O&M's Makin and Bunton voted into CDF Hall of Fame

The Creative Directors' Forum's (CDF) Hall of Fame has received two new inductees - Roger Makin and Alan Bunton, of Ogilvy Mather Rightford Searle-Tripp & Makin.

Says Ross Chowles, CDF chair: "Before most of the current creatives were born, Roger and Alan were gripping consumers with innovation, craftsmanship, depth and a bravado that is sorely lacking in today's advertising. For young people to go forward, they need to be aware and to acknowledge the kind of work produced by these two greats."

Past recipients of the award, which was started seven years ago, include Brian Searle-Tripp (Ogilvy Mather Rightford Searle-Tripp & Makin), John Hunt (TBWA Hunt Lascaris), Keith Rose (Velocity), Terry Murphy (Sonnenberg Murphy Leo Burnett), Robyn Putter (Ogilvy Mather Rightford Searle-Tripp & Makin) and Willie Sonnenberg (Sonnenberg Murphy Leo Burnett).

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