E-mail marketing grows up

It's time we ensure that we give our customers a relevant and appealing experience that rewards them for engaging with us in the first place. Through behavioral targeting, we provide our customers with the means to steer their relationships with us. By focusing and enriching the information we provide them, we can ensure that the conversation we foster will prove to establish a mutually beneficial relationship.

With rising interest around new mobile communications platforms, there are several early adopters that are successfully utilizing this medium to market and communicate with customers. However, there is still a large majority of marketers who want to first maximize their current e-mail efforts. Most marketers have only scratched the surface when it comes to using e-mail as an effective marketing tool.

New techniques for personalization and opportunities for e-mail to play an important role in more tightly integrated cross-channel communication strategies make e-mail a marketers' tool of choice. In fact, a recent survey from Datran Media found that 82 percent of the marketers questioned said they plan to increase their use of e-mail marketing in 2008. This year, though e-mail marketers are targeting mainly by geography and demographics, more will be using more complex behavioral targeting to increase relevancy within e-mails in 2008.

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