Liqueur label cuts famous flapping ears

If you notice something different about your Amarula that's for good reason - as Africa's elephants continue to be slaughtered en masse, the liqueur has removed the elephant from its famed logo.
Liqueur label cuts famous flapping ears

As part of the brand's #DontLetThemDisappear campaign, the cream liqueur has symbolically removed the elephant from its logo to highlight the escalating slaughter of the animals in Africa.

A recent survey showed that 30% of Africa's elephants have been wiped out by poachers, at a rate of 27,000 each year. Only 350,000 elephants remain. With no end in sight to the slaughter, Amarula said its altered logo points to a future without elephants in the wild. That is, of course, unless "drastic" action is taken.

Amarula global brand manager Saramien Dekker said removing the elephant from their logo signified the company's commitment to the fight against poaching and the ivory trade. She said if nothing was done to halt the slaughter, elephants would disappear from more than the label.

Source: The Times

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