Westgate offers food extravaganza

The Westgate regional shopping centre on the West Rand, Gauteng will run a 'Foodgate', is offering its shoppers treats, cook offs and all things food related from the end of September until mid-October 2011 in celebration of its 26th birthday.

Rob Thomas, marketing manager at Westgate, says, "Four signature food-based promotions are planned during this event, where shoppers also have the opportunity of winning over R20 000 worth of prizes ranging from shopping vouchers to sponsor product prizes."

The Supreme Flour Cake Baking Competition on the 24th September encourages shoppers to bake a cake, with the potential to win prizes totalling R 3 500. The next event features the chef in stilettos, Lucia Mthiyane, on Friday 30 September, Saturday 1 October and Friday 7 October. This event is being held in conjunction with Spekko Rice and Hirsch's. The same sponsors will run the cook-off on 8 October.

"Popular Idols judge and Metro FM DJ Unathi will also be in the centre on Saturday 1 October to meet fans as part of the opening of the new Beauty Factory at Westgate. Shoppers will also be treated to champagne and cupcakes at this new store," adds Thomas.

Shoppers can enjoy a cheese and wine tasting event at Westgate on Saturday 15 October.

For more information, go to www.westgate.co.za.

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