Choc delight has sweet smell of success

Fashion and chocolate can go hand in hand, as designers Azeeza Choonara and Lauren Gravett showed when they created a dress from Lindt chocolate wrappers this month.
Ashleigh Butcher wears the dress made from Lindt chocolate wrappers in Showtime 2010: PE Can Do It! at the Savoy Theatre. Picture: Judy De Vega - courtesy of The Herald
Ashleigh Butcher wears the dress made from Lindt chocolate wrappers in Showtime 2010: PE Can Do It! at the Savoy Theatre. Picture: Judy De Vega - courtesy of The Herald

Showtime creator Bob Eveleigh called on the talents of the NMMU third-year fashion design students to create a number for this year's revue 2010: PE Can Do It!

Cast member Ashleigh Butcher wears the sparkling red number while singing the jazz standard Sweet Georgia Brown, re-interpreted as Sweet Lindy Lindt.

Azeeza and Lauren had fun making the two-piece outfit from shiny Lindt Lindor wrappers and red satin. And no, they did not have to eat their way through mountains of chocolate: Lindt samplers collected empty wrappers at functions all over Port Elizabeth to provide the raw material.

Lindt did, however, provide the designers with a ready supply of chocolate. The pair both were finalists in the Durban July Young Designer competition last year, with Azeeza going on to win a spot at the race day along with Laz Yani (“A chance of a lifetime for PE student designer”, La Femme, 20 January).

While Laz is now in Johannesburg completing an internship with iconic South African designer David Tlale, Lauren will be joining Laz in Gauteng next week for her own one-month stint with famous designer Marianne Fassler.

Source: The Herald

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