Varsities too dangerous for exam marking

The #FeesMustFall protests are costing universities dearly - from damage to property to cancellations of events.
Varsities too dangerous for exam marking
© Andrii Vergeles –

The Western Cape department of education told The Times it had been renting space at universities in the province "for years" for use as National Senior Certificate exam marking centres.

But now, because of often violent protests on campuses, it had pulled out of the arrangements earlier this year, said MEC Debbie Schafer's spokesman, Jessica Shelver.

"We don't plan to mark at any universities this year. We had problems last year already, so we didn't plan to use them this year."

The department said it did not want any disruptions close to sites at which matric papers were being marked.

The location of marking centres is being kept secret.

Lauren Kansley, Cape Peninsula University spokesman, said the cancellation of the marking agreement with the department had cost the university a valuable source of income.

Source: The Times

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