What happens next for Pistorius?

Key facts about the South African prison and judicial process after Oscar Pistorius was jailed on Wednesday for six years for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
What happens next for Pistorius?
© sakhorn saengtongsamarnsin – 123RF.com

He was taken from court in Pretoria to Kgosi Mampuru II prison to begin his jail term, and his lawyers said they won't appeal the sentence.

Prison routine

  • After arrival in prison, he is registered by officials and has his fingerprints taken.
  • Within six hours of arrival, he undergoes a medical examination to determine suitable conditions for imprisonment.
  • After the initial assessment, a longer-term programme is developed to shape the rest of his incarceration period. It is regularly reviewed.
  • During his earlier jail term in the same prison, he was kept on the hospital wing.

"We have to cater for special categories of offenders," correctional services spokesman Manelisi Wolela told the ENCA channel. "Those with disabilities may be abused by other offenders if you mix them in one place."

A state appeal?

  • The National Prosecuting Authority may well appeal, seeking a longer sentence, though they made no immediate announcement.
  • It has 14 days to lodge an appeal.
  • The High Court would hear the application and decide to grant or reject the bid.
  • Trial Judge Thokozile Masipa or another judge could hear the application.
  • If granted, the full bench of five Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) judges will review the case.
  • The prosecutors could also directly petition the SCA without going through the trial court.
  • Pistorius would remain in prison during the process.


  • Pistorius will be eligible for parole after serving between half and two-thirds of his sentence.

Source: AFP

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