702 presenters receive Paul Harris Awards

John Robbie and Aki Anastasiou, the Talk Radio 702 presenters, were both given the Paul Harris Fellowship Award in recognition of their outstanding contributions in placing “service above self” earlier this week, Rotary announced yesterday, Wednesday, 3 June 2009.
702 presenters receive Paul Harris Awards

The award is one of the highest accolades Rotary can bestow on a person and accompanies a donation of USD1000 or more by the sponsoring club, in the recipient's name, to Rotary International's Annual Programme Fund, which supports Rotary's worldwide programmes.

“For many of us on the daily grind to and from work, dodging taxis, avoiding potholes and enduring gridlocked traffic congestion, listening to the early morning talk show host is all that keeps us sane,” said Donald Goldfain of Rotary, Rosebank.

“Some talk show presenters choose to amuse you, some stimulate lively debate, some make a difference, some get things done, but only a select few do all of these and more. John Robbie and Aki Anastasiou are two such individuals.”

Help for widows and orphans

Robbie was nominated for the award for his involvement in a number of initiatives, including obtaining a tax break for widows and orphans of policemen killed in the line of duty; getting GPSs installed in police cars so they can get to scenes quicker; initiating the deployment of mobile fingerprint machines to a number of police stations; and his contribution towards Primedia Broadcasting's Crime Line Initiative.

Anastasiou was congratulated for not only helping motorists get to work on time by providing in-depth traffic reports and information to ease traffic congestion, but also for his involvement with the Johannesburg Roads Agency in making dangerous roads safer; assisting the Metro Police in their programme to arrest unlawful drivers; and helping develop a road safety initiative for children with Sky School.

Robbie and Anastasiou are among several other prominent South Africans who have received Paul Harris Fellowship awards, including: Bishop Desmond Tutu, Tito Mboweni, Walter Sisulu, Miriam Makeba, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Thabo Mbeki, George Bizos, F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela.

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