New flavour for chicken experience

Fontana Famous Roastery has appointed branding and design consultancy Espiál as creative partner in the re-branding of Fontana Famous Roastery. This includes the development of a refreshed brand image, brand architecture, marketing communications, and the redesign and roll-out of a new, contemporary look for all Fontana stores.

Says Paula Sartini, MD of Espiál, "Fontana is a brand that's young at heart, resonating strongly with the youthful value system of modern South Africans families and individuals. This market is particularly aware of energetic global brands that acknowledge their aspirational, confident and progressive approach to life. The new Fontana experience directly echoes this energetic open-minded and ambitious market.

"The new-look stores promise an inviting design, consistent with the 'global brand' experience this market has come to expect."

Fontana, known for its 'rotisserie chicken with the wood fire taste', has been around since the 1970s, since the establishment of the Fontana Hillbrow late-night stop.

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