Mastering Customer Journey Mapping: View Your Business Through Your Customer’s Eyes

Ever wondered how customers truly interact with your brand from start to finish?
Are your customer journey maps more reflective of your internal processes than the actual customer experience?

If you're looking to shift your perspective and truly embody your customer's viewpoint, you're not alone. Many businesses struggle to detach from internal-centric views and embrace a genuine customer-focused approach.

Our mini workshop is designed to bridge this gap.

It provides practical insights into crafting effective customer journey maps that accurately represent the customer's experience, rather than merely echoing company processes. Understanding and employing this powerful method can transform your customer experience approach and elevate your brand’s interaction points.

In This Workshop, We Will:
1. Explore the Basics of Customer Journey Mapping: Unpack the fundamentals of creating effective customer journey maps that reflect true customer experiences rather than internal processes.
2. Analyze Common Missteps: Delve into typical mistakes organizations make when mapping customer journeys and how these can skew the understanding of the customer's reality.
3. Engage in Practical Exercises: Through hands-on activities, you’ll have the opportunity to draft a customer journey map that views the customer experience from an outside-in perspective.

What You'll Gain:
1. An Understanding of Customer Journey Mapping: Walk away with a grasp of what makes an effective customer journey map, including common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
2. A Draft Customer Journey Map: Develop a draft of a customer journey map that can be further refined and implemented within your organization.

Join us for this enlightening 1-hour mini workshop with the methods and insights needed to transform how you view and interact with your customers. Embrace the power of seeing your business through your customer’s eyes.

As the only Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) Authorized Training Provider on the African Continent, BrandLove continues to offer premier customer experience programs. Our curriculum, accredited by the Education Alliance in Finland, is globally recognized and furnishes practical experience and actionable insights, setting a high standard in customer experience training.

7 May 2024: 07 May 2024
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Venue: Online, Global
Cost: FREE

More info: Zoom Session
BrandLove is a leading provider of transformative learning experiences that enable individuals and teams to represent their brand with excellence and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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