Shopfitting & Merchandising News South Africa

New restaurant design features are looking up

USA - For a new way to enrich the ambiance of restaurant interiors, designers should look to the ceiling, says Larry Loser, owner and president of Applied Visual Concepts. The Michigan-based company has announced that it would begin marketing its "Ceiling Scenes" products for use in restaurants, bars and coffee houses.
New restaurant design features are looking up

"In a typical eating establishment, every surface except the ceiling has been highly developed to create a pleasant and unique user experience," Loser says. "We're offering a cost-effective way for architects and designers to continue a selected theme or motif onto the ceiling."

Originally developed to enhance the atmosphere in healthcare environments, Ceiling Scenes custom-printed acoustic tiles and light lenses have been successfully installed in hospitals and clinics throughout North America, Europe and the Middle East. Now the same digital technology will be applied to create unique visual effects for the restaurant, coffee house and bar markets.

Any motif can be designed and printed using Ceiling Scenes' methodology, from stock images to custom designs. The ceiling panels are washable and carry a very high sound retardant rating. The acoustic panels meet Class A requirements for smoke and flame ratings.

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