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Lauren Bernardo tell us why the party systems should be dissolved in South Africa...

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    Court orders Council for Medical Schemes to cough up source documents on low-cost benefit options

    The Board of Health Funders (BHF), which represents a large portion of the country's medical schemes and healthcare funders - serving nearly 4.5 million individuals - lodged a high-court application in August last year requesting that medical schemes be allowed to offer low-cost benefit options.
    Source: Pexels

    The application was also for the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) to explain its decision to bar medical schemes from offering low-cost options by providing all the supporting documentation and source documents on which the decision was based.

    On 10 July, Judge Botha ruled in favour of the BHF and ordered the respondents – the CMS, the Registrar of Medical Schemes, Sipho Kabane, and Health Minister Joe Phaahla – to pay the costs of the application.

    Read the full article on the Daily Maverick.

    Source: Daily Maverick

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