Entrepreneurship News South Africa

Entrepreneur Media SA officially closes

After initially closing its print division in January 2019, Entrepreneur Media SA, the local company that held the license to publish Entrepreneur Magazine in South Africa, took the decision to focus on digital, launching Entrepreneur.com South Africa earlier this year.
Source: pixabay.com

Unfortunately, the digital division alone proved to be an unviable model for Entrepreneur Media SA.

In August 2019, after 16 years of partnership, Entrepreneur Media Inc (USA licensor) ended its licensing agreement in South Africa with Entrepreneur Media SA, with both companies parting on good terms and working together for a smooth handover. Regrettably, in light of the termination of the agreement, Entrepreneur Media SA was forced to retrench a number of staff.

Entrepreneur Media SA would like to thank its advertisers, contributors, highly-talented staff and its editor, Nadine Todd, for their contribution over the years in developing the Entrepreneur brand in South Africa, and their passion for shining a light on entrepreneurship in South Africa.

Entrepreneur Media Inc continues its presence in South Africa via www.entrepreneur.com/sa, serving inspirational and informative business content, pitched at small and growing businesses.

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