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Agency Scope: Top creative and media agencies according to marketers

The biennial research looked at how marketers view both creative and media agencies. "Each was given a category outline and asked to submit three agencies," explains Johanna McDowell, Scopen partner and CEO of the Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS).
"Here, we show the outline and the results of each.”
Spontaneous awareness category
Under the title “spontaneous awareness”, respondents named three agencies they are aware of.
Creative agencies
- Ogilvy
- Joe Public
Media agencies
- Carat
- The MediaShop
- Mindshare
Creativity category
Creative agencies
- Joe Public/Ogilvy
- none
Attractive agencies category
Attractive agencies provided a list of the agencies marketers would shortlist in a pitch.
Creative agencies
- Joe Public
- Ogilvy
Media Agencies
- Juno Media
- M&C Saatchi Connect
- The MediaShop
Ideal Agencies category
“The ideal agencies category is an analysis of how the overall market, along with the particular clients of an agency, rate that agency,” explains Cesar Vacchiano, president and CEO of Scopen International.
Creative Agencies
- Ogilvy
- Joe Public
- Accenture Song
Media Agencies
- Carat
- The MediaShop
Market perception category
In the category “market perception”, a combination of spontaneous awareness, creativity, attractiveness and ideal agencies gave rise to the following responses.
Creative Agencies
- Ogilvy
- Joe Public
Media Agencies
- Carat
- Mindshare
- The MediaShop
“Market perception is probably the most important rating,” says McDowell. “The agency that wins in market perception is the closest to a perfect agency, and noted as such by the industry.”
The final two categories in the research looked at Client Satisfaction and Competitor’s Opinion, both important in a marketers' choice, Vacchiano asserts.
“We know overall satisfaction is vital to clients, but having competitors list their competition as notable agencies is invaluable.”
Client satisfaction category
Client satisfaction saw the following agencies take top spots.
Creative Agencies
- Promise
- Brave Group
- Black Powder
Media Agencies
- UM
- Initiative
Competitors’ opinion category
Creative Agencies
- Ogilvy
- Accenture Song
- Network BBDO
Media Agencies
- Meta Media
- Initiative
- Mindshare